Most of my days are routine.
But some of them need extra efforts to make them end in success.
That means getting up at a regular and early time, getting the morning normals out of the way, and getting on with it.
Every day, millions of people take to the Internet in hopes of experiencing Online Shopping Success. Their desire is to search for that certain something to buy that will make their day. Every day, millions of Internet sellers also try their best to attract as many people as possible to THEIR site. They each think … Read more
Our online business ships physical products to our customers around the world. We spend plenty on postage. If we simply took our packages to the Post Office, we’d get adequate service, and would pay full retail for all postage services. We don’t do that. Neither do we subscribe to a postage service that charges a … Read more
Most of my days are routine.
But some of them need extra efforts to make them end in success.
That means getting up at a regular and early time, getting the morning normals out of the way, and getting on with it.